Thursday, April 8, 2010

Remote Standby Operation

The remote jack on the back of DAC4800A and Cherry amplifiers allows you to force the unit into standby from an external source to save power. Some home theater systems have a control signal output that can be used to control the amp's standby operation.

The input takes less than a milliamp to drive. When the input is below 2V, the amp is placed in shutdown. When it is above 3V, the amp is active. When the input is not connected, the amp is active in the case of the Cherry, or controlled by the user in the case of the DAC4800A. The DAC4800A has a pushbutton standby control, and external control overrides the user setting. The Cherry series of amps does not have a pushbutton standby control.

The plug is a stabndard 2.5mm size barrel type, typically used by "wall warts".

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